Styling a wedding can be backbreaking. You need to have significant experience in the area to pull off an event perfectly. From minor setbacks to major nightmares, you might come across all when you’re styling a wedding. But proper advice and care can help you conquer them, no matter how big or small they may seem. So, having a helping hand can ease the process and stop you from making mistakes. Let’s see how these tips from a wedding stylist can help you avoid some common wedding styling mistakes.
What ‘Not’ To Do
Image courtesy: Pexels
A person who is styling a wedding for the first time is undoubtedly going to come across a lot of roadblocks. While you’ll have many people tell you what to do and how to do it, knowing what not to do is just as important and can prove to be very helpful in minimizing mistakes and maximizing output. To give you an idea of what mistakes to avoid, given below are some tips that professional wedding stylists swear by.
Don’t Overdo the Decorations
We’re always worried that our preparations will lack something and with the same thought in mind, we overdo it. Including too many things can kill the entire look. Find the right lighting and decorative elements and try to create something with your wedding stylist that reflects your personal style. Aim to strike a balance and maintain symmetry. Focus on the key elements and try to make them stand out using the other supportive elements.
Don’t Abandon the Theme
Don’t start another thing until you finish the first. To create a cohesive look, try to stick to the decided theme. If you take some elements that match the theme and some elements that don’t, you’ll have an incomplete design in your hands. Try that most, if not all, elements align with the theme of the wedding. Pick the right colors with the help of your personal wedding stylist and try to incorporate the personal preferences of the couple within the theme.
Don’t Forget About Comfort
A wedding design that’s all aesthetic and zero comfort is not going to be the guests’ favorite. While aesthetics matter, comfort should top the priority list. Pick a comfortable seating arrangement for the guests and pick a wedding venue with your personal wedding stylist that has sufficient shade if you’re styling an outdoor day wedding. If the guests feel comfortable, they will be able to enjoy the special day better.
Avoid Mindlessly Following Trends
We’re aware of your strong Instagram game but we advise you to not follow the trends blindly. While adopting some elements can be fun and exciting, mindlessly following the trends can make your special day feel impersonal. Create a look with your bridal wedding stylist that contains your personal style and brings out the best in you. And if a trend happens to align with your personality, you’ve hit the jackpot.
Don’t Accessorize Too Much
Pick the jewelry that goes well with your ensemble and avoid wearing too many pieces. Crowding can take the shine away from the overall look. Take assistance from your wedding stylist and accessorize according to your outfit. If you’re going for an outfit that has a lot of details, you can go easy on your accessories. Pick small and subtle pieces to embellish your outfit. If your outfit is on the simpler side, you can pick pieces that add a touch of grandeur to it. Create a balanced, cohesive wedding day look with your bridal wedding stylist that perfectly teams up the outfit and the accessories.
These are some of the commonly made mistakes that you can avoid while styling a wedding. If you’re in need of some assistance, a wedding stylist’s expertise can make the process easier for you. Don’t make the mistake of hiring a wedding stylist too late. Talk to a wedding stylist well before the wedding so they can eliminate the hurry and help you better.
If you’re looking for a bridal wedding stylist that can help you create a stunning wedding day look, you’ve come to the right place. Contact us to know more about the Aurus Bride.